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Therefore, one typically only uses scale_factors =. I.e., for $\lambda\geq 4$ the results are typically already decohered. Limited from above by the noise as the noisy quantum function quickly decoheres under this folding. Note that this folding scheme is relatively simple and only really is sensible for integer values of scale_factor. We see that the mitigated result comes close to the ideal result, whereas the noisy result is further off (see value at scale_factor=1). plot ( x_fit, y_fit, label = "fit", color = "tab:red", alpha = 0.5 ) plt. plot ( 0, zne_res, "X", label = "ZNE result", color = "tab:red" ) plt. plot ( 0, ideal_res, "X", label = "ideal result" ) plt. plot ( scale_factors, folded_res, "x-", label = "folded result" ) plt. linspace ( 0, scale_factors, 20 ) y_fit = np. polyfit ( scale_factors, folded_res, 2 ) zne_res = coeffs # coefficients are ordered like # coeffs * x**2 + coeffs * x + coeffs # i.e.

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